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245 First Street

  Access Control

We strive to provide a safe environment for tenants and their employees, guests, customers, and visitors. For this reason, access to the building is restricted. The Cambridge Science Center front door and the small door off the reserved 1st floor parking in the garage are open to tenants Monday through Friday from 7am-6pm. Please note that all other exterior doors are locked 24/7. Only an authorized building access card will allow a tenant into the building after normal business hours. Please refer to the Hours of Operation section of this handbook for these times. Additionally, elevator lobby access is limited on each single tenant floor; only employees of that company on those floors are allowed access via the authorized building card.

PLEASE NOTE: Should a tenant employee forget or misplace his or her card and request access; building security will require another form of picture ID and will call the designated tenant liaison to verify access may be granted. We recommend that each tenant provide us with at least two individuals within the company who may authorize access for individuals who request without their building card.

Also note that the initial employee access card is provided free of charge. Should a card become permanently lost or stolen - replacement cards may be obtained for a fee of $15.00.

Visitor Access

All visitors must be registered in order to obtain access to the upper floors of the building. Registration is completed by the tenant and provided to security in advance of the visitor arriving and should include the name, date and approximate time the visitor is expected. To expedite this process 245 First Street utilizes the SPLAN Visitor Management program where tenant administrators can directly add visitor information to the system on line. To utilize the SPLAN visitor management system please contact Wesley Williams @ wwilliams@lpc.com  for a log on credential. In the event a visitor is not pre-registered through Security, a representative of the tenant organization must come to the lobby to escort a visitor.

Vendor / Contractor Access

There may be instances when vendors or contractors need to perform work in your suite during non-business hours. In such cases, we require written notification via work order system. Information should include:

  • Vendor name
  • Foreman or supervisor
  • Names of all people who will be doing the work
  • Date(s) the work will be performed
  • Time the contractor will arrive and depart
  • Description of the work being done
  • Certificate of Insurance with required limits and language

Property staff will not admit your contractor into your suite. Please make arrangements to meet the vendor or provide them with keys.

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