Fire and life safety preparedness includes regular testing of the fire alarm, fire suppression, and communications systems and regular fire drills.
Systems Testing
The fire alarm and communications systems are tested regularly throughout the year. A building wide email is made prior to the beginning of the day’s testing, and an engineer and fire alarm vendor will go to each floor when testing is about to begin on that floor. Another building wide email full-building announcement is made when system testing is finished for the day.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held once a year, typically in the spring. Notice of the planned date and time of the drill will be sent to tenants in advance. Tenants are requested to supply or update an existing list that shows their Fire Wardens, Floor Wardens, Floor Marshals and Searchers, and a current list of employees who would require assistance in case of relocation / evacuation.
During a fire drill employees should move calmly and quickly to the nearest fire exit and proceed out of the building to their predetermined relocation area outside. After the drill has been successfully completed, an “All Clear” announcement will be made and tenants may return to the building.